Presentation of the Association


General information


“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch a fish and you feed him for a lifetime” 


Based on the Chinese proverb, ADM (Apprentis du Monde) was founded in Switzerland in 1990 as non profit making association, registered at the Valais Chamber of Commerce on 02.05.2013 with the official address at Avenue de France 36  Sierre (CH)

The Association liaises directly with the local official institutions working together with the religious congregations well established on site.


Objectives of the Association


The main objective is to provide quality training and better life chances to the deprived teenagers in third world countries, using the apprenticeships. (Eg:Home economics school for the girls, apprentice school for the boys).
Its aim is to recognise the apprentice status so they can have access to the different social benefits such as illness and retirement cover)
However, it is difficult for the association to give additional help for those who finish their apprenticeship to start their working life.
The concept of The Apprentis du Monde is seen as an exchange between different cultures and therefore the association does not want to interfere with the government decisions.



Help offered


Apprentis du Monde offer financial and material support to the centres upon request with a minimum of one year in advance, therefore the association can plan ahead the available funds and despatch them accordingly.
The help provided is related to the apprenticeship (programs, books, material, tools, workshops, training staff etc…)
Help may also be provided to the centres for health related request for the apprentices.